Indian Membrane Society (IMS) is a registered society of scientists, academicians, technologists, consultants and engineers fiom India and abroad engaged in the field of membranes. It was formed by 'membranologists' in 1986 with a view to providing a forum for stimulating research and disseminating information on science, technology and application of membranes and membrane separation processes. It offers individuals and organisations best means of following the many sided rapid growth of membrane technology and exchanging ideas and results with fellow membranologists having widely different background and interest.
As per the constitution of the Indian Membrane Society, there are twelve trustees of the IMS board who form the 'Governing Council' of the society. They are elected by IMS members for a period of three years. Five out of twelve members of the board of trustees are then elected as office bearers namely president, vice-president, secretary, joint secretary and treasurer for a period of three years. They appoint auditor, election officer, and convenor of IMS conferences. They can modify the rules and regulations, membership fee and other aspects of IMS in due consultation with the members. These executives and trustees have full right to discontinue a membership or reject membership application. |